Turkey, Blue Cheese and Almond Salad with Cranberry Vinaigrette

To make individual salads, layer the following to your liking on dinner plates:

1. Fresh greens (bibb lettuce or spring mix are excellent choices)
2. Leftover white or dark roast turkey, cubed
3. Crumbled Blue or Gorgonzola cheese
4. Dried Cranberries (Craisins work well)
5. Chopped or sliced almonds (I love Sunkist's "Almond Accents" - Butter Toffee Glazed sliced almonds. They can be found in the produce section of your grocery store).
6. Salt & pepper

Drizzle with delicious Cranberry Vinaigrette and enjoy!
Excellent served with a slice of crusty french bread.

Cranberry Vinaigrette:
3/4 cup oil
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
1/2 cup cranberry sauce
3 T. sugar
1/4 t. salt
Whisk until cranberry sauce is fully incorporated.
Store up to a week in the refrigerator.

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